NAR raises alarm on floor plan use, vacant lot scams, ‘unfair’ contracts

Charlie Lee, the National Association of Realtors’ senior counsel, spoke on legal issues impacting agents at the MLS Association Executives Session at the Realtors Legislative Meetings on Sunday.

CRMLS partners with Local Logic to offer market intelligence to agents

The Local Logic tool will provide members of the California Regional Multiple Listing Service with critical demographic and economic intelligence on real estate markets around the country.

NAR membership dues would rise with inflation under new proposal

To cover an expected budget deficit, the National Association of Realtors’ Finance Committee has proposed aligning dues with the Consumer Price Index, increasing the likelihood of annual hikes.

When Nutrition Timing Actually Matters

When you’re working out and aiming for a particular goal,  it’s smart to pull the big levers first. Getting enough food, enough sleep, and enough training time will have the biggest impact on your results. But once you’ve got the basics down, it’s time to learn how to properly time your nutrition throughout the day. […]

That Old Bundt Pan Will Make the Perfect Tabletop Flower Pot

Bundt cake pans have many uses beyond baking cakes, from using it as a roasting pan to serving as a vessel for baked bread or lasagna. But even after a Bundt pan has outworn these traditional and semi-traditional uses, an old one can still be repurposed—say, as the Byrd Nest Studio blog suggests, as a flower pot […]

You Can Overcome ‘Creative Mortification’

Have you ever suffered creative mortification? Coined by educator Ronald Beghetto, the term describes losing your willingness to pursue a creative avenue following a negative outcome. Maybe you gave up on stand-up comedy forever after your set at the open mic night was met with murmurs instead of laughs, or you burned… Read more…

How to Plant a Low-Maintenance and Drought-Resistant Gravel Garden

If you’re tired of watering your lawn to keep it alive, or if you live somewhere with water use restrictions, you may have given up on having a garden. In places where it’s hard to keep traditional landscaping plants alive, or for people who want a low-maintenance, cost-effective alternative to a lawn, a gravel garden… […]

Eight Signs Your Kid Is Starved for Attention

It always seems to happen at the worst time: Our kids get into some mischief just as things get stressful or busy. And because we’re so occupied with our careers, making dinner, or simply trying to relax or unwind after a tough day, we overlook the reason behind this misbehavior: Their need for our full […]

The Best Way to Eat the Crumbs From a Bag of Chips

Eating chips and dip is a streamlined activity. There’s no need for utensils or plates, as the delivery system for your dip is, itself, entirely edible, and the dip comes in its own bowl. With the exception of a napkin with which to wipe your greasy hands, all you need is a bag of chips […]

BRC-20 tokens have major flaws and issues, Mintlayer CEO says

Bitcoin BRC-20 tokens have skyrocketed over the past few days, with their combined market value rising to over $923 million as of 8 May, 2023. Mintlayer CEO Enrico Rubboli has highlighted some of the flaws and issues plaguing the BRC-20 token standard. Apart from not aligning with the “axioms of the core Bitcoin community,” flaws […]

Catch These Bands for $25 During ‘Concert Week’

Live Nation’s “Concert Week” is a music-lover-on-a-budget’s dream: over 3,800 concerts all over the country for $25 a pop. From May 10 to May 16, you can catch many artists like Beck & Phoenix, Fall Out Boy, and Snoop Dog in your local venue (if you’re lucky enough to have them be performing there) for […]

Your Guide to Living Secretly in a Stranger’s Home

The thought of someone secretly living in your house and silently waiting in the closet for you to go to work so they can eat your food and pet your cat is terrifying, but it apparently happens often enough to have a name. It’s called “phrogging” and it differs from home invasion and robbery mainly […]

Trillion dollar coin could be good news for Bitcoin, Cardano, Solana

The US government could be forced to print a $1 trillion coin soon. Democrats and Republicans are yet to reach an agreement on a debt ceiling. Analysts expect that the two sides will ultimately reach an agreement. The US government is at a crossroads as divisions in Congress put the country at an elevated risk […]

Google Search Snippet With Visual Explore Features

We have seen the Google Explore feature many times, but here is a similar explore feature but as a sub-feature of a single search result snippet. Google is testing showing a scrollable snippet that is more visual and interactive.

Google: hreflang x-default Can Help Feed URLs To Google It Might Not Otherwise See

Gary Illyes from Google posted on the Google Search blog about some of the more “hidden” advantages of using hreflang x-default value. As Gary noted on LinkedIn, “incidentally, it can also help with feeding Googlebot URLs that the poor thing otherwise might not see.”

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